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Monday, January 2, 2012

Thoughts... Union Influence on Education

When I was in school the teachers would run to the teacher's lounge between classes to sneak a smoke.  They thought none of us knew, but it was hard to hide the creeping smoke pouring out of the door.  We didn't care and most of us were not influenced.  It was more of a joke for us...we knew.  By the time I made it to High School there wasn't a student smoking lounge, so the student smokers used lunch to sneak outside to smoke. No one said anything because the teachers were doing the same thing.  What a simple time.

Today, the teacher's unions have taken over the basic curriculum from K-12.  Social behavior no longer matters.  If you get caught smoking pot or drinking alcohol, you may get suspended, but most likely detention.  I would have been expelled for the year.  So, traditional values have been thrown out the door.  But smoking cigarettes is the worst thing you can do? That's just the start of it.

Now I have to deal with my children being forced a curriculum that I disagree with.  I was taught the basics.  Today, most kids don't know the basic multiplication tables. They have this scheme that is so crazy, I can't help a child in Elementary school.  Oh, by the way I advanced to Calculus. I agree you have to show the work, but it is not work, it is a scheme.  If you don't know multiplication tables you will be toast in advanced mathematics.

Forcing "The Arts" as a requirement is ridiculous for High School students.  It was and should always be an elective, just like advanced math and science.  I was advanced in math and science, but I can't hold a tune or draw.  College scholarships ride on the GPA.  How many of us are truly "well rounded" academically? None of us! This has to end.

History and Science has been so distorted that only a few teachers are willing to teach all aspects.  I appreciate those teachers. Most force a political agenda down the throats of our children.  This has to end. I only had a few in my day, but I saw right through it. When my Environmental Science teacher was upset that too many people were recycling I asked why.  He said everyone was jumping on the "band-wagon." What a hypocrite, but so true.  History? Forget that...all revisionist.

"Heath Science" is the worst. Forget the promotion of deviant behavior. You already know that. But why does my child have to learn about AIDS before "sex-ed" in general or period?  That is my decision as a parent. Liberal or Conservative... it is still the parent's choice!!!  We need to stop the laws that infringe on our rights as parents.  I know we are all busy, but how do you feel about the government rearing our children?  That is our responsibility.

Public sector unions are the major cause of this.  Even FDR was against federal unions.  State public sector unions are even worse.  I support Police and Firefighter unions.  They earn their pay and protection. Outside of that? No one!!!


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