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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thoughts… Is Healthcare Reform Necessary?

No fluff, the answer is heck no and most of us know it.  Healthcare reform is about government control.  We need Health Insurance reform including prescription drugs.  We have the best healthcare in the world.  It’s not perfect but it is the best.  That is indisputable.   So what can we do?  Speak up!!!!

Health insurance companies are in the business to make money.  We live in a Capitalist system so that is their right.  However, government regulations have forced them to become bullies.  More competition is my first suggestion.  Although I support states rights, the car insurance model shows that competition works.  Make it interstate.  

Preexisting conditions?  I have diabetes and have to pay extra.  I can’t buy car insurance after an accident and be covered.  It is insurance, not an entitlement.  I am not cold hearted, so if we can reduce the insurance costs more of us would donate to help those with preexisting conditions.  I already do, but I would have more money to help those in need.  This is an area that needs work, not a mandate.

I know someone that had a broken leg that did not qualify for Short Term Disability.  Why?  Because she could do her job at her desk and the commute to work was not covered.  I won’t name the company but are you serious Snoopy? Those types of abuses have to be reformed.

Healthcare regulation and laws are necessary for our protection, but should be limited.  Tort reform, especially for frivolous cases, would lower medical insurance and our medical costs.  Blatant malpractice should not be ignored in this change though.

Prescription drugs are another story.  They do have research costs that cannot be ignored.  Why do you think we have a shortage of cancer drugs?  Money.  It is disgraceful and should be addressed.  Believe it or not, generic drugs are cheaper, but for the true developers to move on.  They did all of the work and then get ripped off. I am not saying I have a solution for this problem. But if we penalize the doers, we will never get out of this mess.  The doers have to make their money up front.  Put yourself in their shoes.

I am not defending the Health insurance or drug companies but I am saying this is where the reform should start.  We do not need Healthcare reform.  Repeal the “Affordable Health Care Act.”  The name does not describe what it does.  Does anyone really know what it does?  Nancy?

~ 3Jeeps3 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thoughts… The Real Cause of Childhood Obesity.

When I was a child my parents made sure I had a balanced diet by the standards of the day.  Sure, they let me have junk food and skip some vegetables, but they always said, at least try it.   If I didn’t like something I didn’t have to eat it. I was always fed for health and survival.  So why wasn’t I fat as a child?  Exercise, limited TV and no video games. 

After school, I went outside to play until my mother yelled “dinner!”  We played baseball, football, hockey, kickball, tag, raced, guns with sticks, etc.  If I didn’t have too much homework, I could go out after dinner and play some more.   That’s more activity than I get today as an adult.  So, as a child, give me cake and ice cream for dessert, I always burned it off.

Eventually we had Atari.  But my parents limited my time and enforced outside play.  Today most children do nothing but watch TV, play video games, “surf the Internet” and maybe do their homework.  I encourage outside play, but most kids go outside to a friend’s house to play video games!  The majority of parents today are more concerned with themselves and let their children do what they want.

Michelle Obama may have good intentions, but our money would be better spent encouraging exercise and reinstating proper physical education in the school curriculum instead of telling people what they should eat.   Most of the food forced on our children is tossed in the trash.  It’s a waste of taxpayer money and will lead to malnourishment.  School lunches were fine for me and are still fine today.  Encourage exercise instead of dictating what we eat, while you pig out on ribs and fries.  Hypocrisy at its best.

The real cause of childhood obesity… a lack of exercise.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thoughts… Planned Parenthood vs. Komen et al.

I used to contribute to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the same reason I donate to other charities. I want to help people in need. It took me a while, but once I heard they supported Planned Parenthood I sent my dollars to different women’s causes.  Then I heard they pulled their contributions and was back on board.  I applauded the Komen decision because it stood in the face of the Pro-Abortion activists.

I never tell anyone to support anything unless they believe in it.  So, if you support Planned Parenthood’s cause that is your choice.  It is not for me to challenge. That’s true Pro-Choice.  We choose to support what we believe in.   At the same time, don’t challenge me.

So then I did some research and boy did I learn.  If you plan to boycott all charities and businesses that give to Planned Parenthood you better be ready to live on an island. I could not believe what I read.  I know, they are being politically correct and support all causes to avoid lawsuits.  Personally I find it spineless.  Every company I have worked for in the last 12 years (3) matches’ donations to Planned Parenthood.   

I am keeping this short because I do not want to debate the abortion issue. I have my beliefs and you have yours.  But I am going to have to reconsider my boycott of Komen.  I never stopped wearing the pink, but I may as well donate.  Most of the money goes to the true cause.