Let's face it... The war on Christmas and Hanukkah is an example of minority rule. The United States is a Judeo-Christian nation. So, why have we abandoned our roots and allowed the minority to make a wonderful time of year become stressful? Are the Muslims leading this effort? Nope. They are the next wave to attack our nation's laws. So, I will save that for another time. It is the Atheists. Don't be fooled by the statistics that include all non-religious people. This all started to become mainstream with Madalyn Murray-O'Hare, as she was known at the time of her death. While I agree that prayer shouldn't be forced on anyone; I also believe we have allowed our courts to change it to an outright ban on religion.
Our Constitution allows the freedom to practice your choice of religion. I.E. The government cannot force a specific religion on the people. It is not a ban on religion. Religion is a part of free speech. Heck, it is in the same amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
We, the majority need to stand up and defend our right to practice our religions. Happy Holidays is our choice if we wish to say it. But I should be able to say Merry Christmas. If you don't like it, ignore me. If you wish me a Happy Hanukkah, I will reply, Happy Hanukkah. What's the big deal? We need to stop being such a sensitive society. Right now we are a bunch of jellyfish with no backbone. The atheist minority are dictating what we can and cannot do. This has to stop. I wrote this before I heard O'Reilly cover the people in MA standing up to overturn a Santa ban. I applaud that action and that is an example of what I believe we need to do. There was no "occupation," just a peaceful protest.
Lighten up and have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year, or Happy anything you believe in. Just don't tell me what I can and cannot say.
~ 3Jeeps3
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